Winners will be chosen each month! Not just anything will win this competition. We expect members of Team Little Egypt to do simple things like listen to their parents and clean their rooms. We want to hear your exceptional stories!
Be creative!
Please submit a video addressing the following questions:
1. Why should you be part of Team Little Egypt? 2. In your words, what does it mean to be part of Team Little Egypt? 3. The members of Team Little Egypt are expected to be great members of their communities. That means listening to our parents and teachers, doing our chores, completing our homework, and ALWAYS doing our best. Are you ready for that?
If selected, you will receive your very own
Custom Pokémon card!
Not only will you receive a copy of your card, but the card will also be displayed in our office with all the members of Team Little Egypt!
*All participants must have a signed "photo consent" form on file at Little Egypt Pediatric Dentistry. *All video submissions are the property of Little Egypt Pediatric Dentistry and can be reused, repurposed, and redistributed as we choose.